Clear Plastic Recyclable Plates (we bought ours at Walmart)
Iridescent Glitter Glue
Acrylic Paint
Assorted Paint Brushes (you can add any type of grip etc. As needed to work on griping skills)-(We used triangle grip brushes)
To enhance sequencing, have written/ picture direction for yourchild to follow
Flip the clear plate over and make a heart out of theglitter glue. When dry, it will give a good tactile boundaries.
Next, place paints on the child’s non-dominant side toencourage crossing midline
Feel free to get creative with the child’s position tocomplete this project (kneeling, on tummy, sitting on t-stool/ball etc., orstanding at a slant table, etc.
Paint one coat ofpaint in a chosen color with paint brush or finger paint
When dry, paint a second coat and repeat if needed
Continue with as many plates as desired
When all paint is dry, flip them right side up!
Wrap up the plates and give as a gift.
Plates can be used for a Valentine meal or snack with your family, classroom, or favorite friend
Visual Motor
Grip Skills
Crossing Midline
Motor Planning
Positive Emotions